Minnesota Zoo

Saturday, July 27, 2013

We are tired, tired, tired tonight. We did too much today. In the early morning we went to the Minnesota Zoo which is about five minutes from where we’re staying. It was really cold. The zoo was spectacular, on par, if not better, than the Singapore zoo. We saw the most unusual animals. We didn’t see any cages nor did we see any obvious motes. It had the feeling of being in Africa. I’ve forgotten how many acres it encompassed but it was a lot. Bill pushed me in the wheelchair so I was especially cold. After walking through most of the zoo, we took the monorail for an overview.

After the zoo visit we came back to see Daisy and then went shopping to restock the motor home with food as our initial supplies were exhausted after three weeks of travel. At this point we were both very tired but Bill wanted to see the Mississippi River since we were 100 miles from its beginning. He was disappointed. He expected to see a little trickle; instead he saw a big river, however, not as large as it was in Vicksburg, Mississippi.